'Liberal Leave' for D.C.-Area Federal Offices:Hot and Latest News
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'Liberal Leave' for D.C.-Area Federal Offices

Washington, D.C.-area federal offices will operate today under "liberal leave" or "unscheduled leave" and delayed arrival status, meaning employees who cannot make it to work can request off, or should otherwise arrive to work no more than two hours later than normal,according to the Office of Personnel Management.

The decision comes as school districts across the region have closed or delayed their openings due to the largest anticipated snowstorm of the season.

In the event of inclement conditions, the OPM director consults with local, state and federal agencies such as the National Weather Service before determining how weather conditions could impact commutes and transportation options. Federal workers in the nation's capital have not had a day off due to inclement weather conditions since Hurricane Isabel hit the region in September 2003. Employees may check the work status by calling 202-606-1900 or by visitingwww.opm.gov.


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