
I've been away a bit, but now I'm back. It's funny how things can get neglected without good reason, but I want to build on the readership I've established here, so am resolving to post at least twice a week, on the themes on which this blog was originally founded to explore - health, wealth and happiness as applied to a thirtysomething bloke who's been through it a bit but still tries to be cheerful.

I suppose the major development is that the Big-X has found out about the existence of this little journal of mine. Which wouldn't have been hard as enough people read it who know her. Naturally she doesn't appreciate that I am airing our dirty linen in public, as she sees it, and has asked me to stop writing and delete what is already here.

Well, I thought about it, but I'm not going to, on the grounds that it's not really about her, or that in particular. My marriage and divorce are instances in my life that I am dealing with, and I mention as and when something happens that I wish to share, and don't ever slag her off.

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Texting While Driving PSA

The UK is running a pretty gruesome PSA against texting while driving. Could something like this run on American television?


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Avi Ben Stella Car Crash

I don't know what to say about this one but this is a trending topic on the web. They say that the news regarding the 12 yr old Avi Ben Stella is a hoax.
Also, Avi Ben Stella snopes term is being used to search the truth regarding the Avi Ben Stella Hoax.

Avi Ben Stella Hoax
I performed some search and all I can find is some support like this:

Please say tehillim for Avi Ben Stella--a 12 year old boy who was in a very serious car accident and is now in critical condition. He is lying in a coma.

and this:

Please say a prayer for Avi Ben Stella--a 12 year old boy who was in a very serious car accident and is now in critical condition. If you would change your status for even one hour it would help spread the word. I do not personally know this child but was asked to paste to my wonderful friends...power in prayer!!!

So still, I don't know what is the real detail with Avi Ben Stella acc1dent, is it a Hoax or another way around?


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Danyl Johnson Video

When you have Simon Cowell saying "That was single handedly the best first audition I have ever heard," you know it must be good and Danyl Johnson audition for X-Factor is a must see. After listening to Danyl Johnson performing The Beatles classic "With A Little Help From My Friends" you will ask yourself why does he not have a record contract already.


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